Being over confident in my programming/git skills
What happened?
I was complaining to my line manger that he was the only one who had permission to push to the public branch for a project I was working on. After all I was the git expert (i.e. the only person but him who knew anything about git). Anyway I got frustrated at having to get my code reviewed by him, after all my code was perfect. So he eventually relented and gave me permission which of course went badly as I pushed several broken changes to the release version and it took about a weeks work trying to tack them down and fix them. All of which would have easily been spotted had I taken the time to get it reviewed.
What did I learn?
Code reviews are important, I am a squishy human who makes silly mistakes. So having a fresh set of eyes before making public changes is a good thing. Also the other person reviewing likely isn’t judging me or criticising my skills they are just trying to save me from myself.